Surgeon General's prevention strategy targets 10% reduction in cases of depression during ages 11-17 The US goal of preventing 10% of the cases of depression is doable; we know from existing studies that at least 20% Read more
Depression prevention is the best way to prevent suicide “…Promotion of good mental health, preventive measures, early recognition and adequate treatment of people with mental disorders are the key Read more
11 percentile point gain in achievement test scores for all students through social and emotional learning (SEL) Students who participate in school-based programs focused on social and emotional learning (SEL) profit in multiple ways. Compared to students Read more
Return on investment (ROI) of $2.11 for each $1 spent on social emotional learning A long term study Posted on June 29, 2011 by admin The long term ‘Seattle Social Development Project’ study calculates that students who participate in Read more